Tag Archives: improving word choice

Helping your Child Add some Character to his/her Writing

4 Mar

You’ve probably been in a parent-teacher conference where the instructor has told you your child needs to liven up his/her writing.  The fact is, that we, yes adults too, use the same words over and over!  Humans are definitely creatures of habit, so doesn’t it make sense that we rely upon our typical vernacular to communicate?  In effort to show your child that there is more than one way to say something, start incorporating new vocabulary into your own speech and writing.  Your child might look at you weird for a little while, but maybe it will encourage him/her to ask you about the new word you are using.  If they donurl-1‘t, ask them about it.  It’s a perfect opportunity to introduce new words.

Today, I am attaching an awesome reference sheet, which lists oodles of character traits for your family to start using.  Begin by incorporating these words into your descriptions to show your kiddo how to use the word.  Spark a discussion with your younger child, talk about the difference between character traits and physical traits.  Take it further and talk about what ideal character traits are and the ones your child wants to exhibit.

I am confident that if you try this strategy home, at your next parent-teacher conference, the teacher will be raving about child’s word choice!
